MEANS PROCEDURE: It can be used to generate summary (simple) statistical analysis.
Var Statement: It requires analysis variable. Analysis variable must be numeric var statement is also called analysis statement.
Group variable: It requires grouping variable must variable is also called classification variable .class variable take either character or numeric.
--> Reporting variables in means procedure Nobs, N, mean, std deviation, Minimum, Maximum.
--> Nobs indicates frequency , N- indicates no of non-missing values.
Print all types Option: It can be used to generate all types of analysis based on classification variables and analysis variables.
data market; input pno Area $ product $ stock sale; cards; 101 vizag lux 10 9 109 hyd lux 16 12 101 hyd cintool 78 76 110 hyd cintool 12 10 108 vizag rin 15 10 108 vizag lux 15 10 101 vij lux 23 18 190 hyd rin 10 9 190 hyd lux 13 10 190 hyd rin 14 10 110 hyd rin 15 12 101 vizag rin 12 9 145 vizag lifeboy 13 11 110 vizag cintool 19 17 101 vizag lux 13 12 108 vizag lifeboy 12 11 190 hyd lifeboy 10 9 101 vij lifeboy 13 12 110 vizag lifeboy 12 . ;
/* sales wise analysis */
proc means data = market; var sale; run;
/* sales wise analysis based on product*/
proc means data = market; class product; var sale; run;
/* sales wise analysis based on area*/
proc means data = market; class area; var sale; run;
/* All types of analysis */
proc means data = market printalltypes; class area product; var sale; run;
Output statement: It can be used to store means procedure output in required dataset.
--> If we store the means analysis in data set, SAS system stores in different format use with storage variables.
-STAT-: It indicate statistical keyword.
-FREQ-: It indicates frequency (Nobs)
-TYPE-: It indicates type of analysis used with numbers (0,1,2,3, .....)
proc means data = market printalltypes; class area product; var sale; Output out = market1 run;
Learn more about SAS Interview Questions in this blog post. Interested in mastering SAS Developer? Check out this blog post to learn SAS Training In Hyderabad.
/* Create new variable for storage */
proc means data = market printalltypes; class area product; var sale; Output out = market2 N = sale_N mean = sale_mean std = sale_std maz = sale_maz min = sale_min; run; proc print data = market2; run;
Class Variable: (2 to the power of class variables): Using this formula. we can report types of analysis.
N, Mean,Median, Max, Min: We can report required analysis.
/* To report analysis for storage and reporting */
proc means data = market min max; class product; var sale; output out = market; min = sale_min; max = sale_max; run;
maxdec option: It can be used to control decimal places for reporting.
proc means data = market min max maxdec = 2; run;
Print Option: Its default woking and generate means analysis in output window. If we don't want output then we will use noprint option.
proc means data = market noprint; class area product; var sale; Output out = market2; run;
Nway option: It can be used to report and storage the last grouping analysis.
/* New variable creation for multiple analysis variable */
proc means data = market printalltypes; class area product; var stock sale; Output out = market 3 n = stock_n_sale_n mean = stock-max sale_mean max = stock_max sale_max min= stock-min sale_min std = stock_std sale_std; run;
Note: New variable creation can be done based on analysis variables
/*To report total sale of each and every product */
proc means data = market sum maxdec = 0; class product; var stock sale; run;
If we run the means procedure without any statement it default takes all variables datasets and generate analysis.
proc means data = market; run; Internally SAS recognises like this proc means data = market; var_numeric_; run;
- If we run the means procedure using class statement it default run var statement with all numeric variables.
proc means data = market; class product; run; proc means(internally) data = market; class product; var_numeric_; run;
Frequency Procedure: Using with frequency procedure we can do frequency analysis means one-way to N-way analysis and cross tabulation.
- One-way to N-way analysis is called independent analysis and cross tabulation is called dependent analysis.
data one; input res $ @@; cards; y n y n n n y y n n n ; proc means data = one; class res; run;
/* one way analysis */
proc freq data = one; table res; run;
Table Statement: It is a analysis statement in frequency procedure. We can use analysis variables either numeric or character.
- Frequency procedure default produce frequency , percent, cumulative frequency, cumulative percent.
/* one way analysis */
proc freq data = one; table res / no percent; run;
Default Change
percent Nopercent
freq Nofreq
row percent Norow
column percent Nocol
- These all options can be written only in table statement.
data medi; input group $ week $ drug $ sub; cards; G100 week1 col5mg 90 G200 week1 col5mg 90 G300 week1 col5mg 90 G100 week2 col5mg 70 G200 week2 col10mg 80 G300 week2 col10mg 85 G100 week3 col15mg 68 G200 week3 col10mg 64 G300 week3 col15mg 78 G200 week4 col15mg 60 G300 week4 col5mg 64
proc freq data = medi; proc freq data = medi;
table group rug week; table group;
run; table drug;
table week;
- We can write multiple table statements in frequency procedure.
Weight Statement: It can be used to do column wise sums in frequency procedure.
proc freq data = medi; table group drug week / nopercent; weight sub; run;
Cross Tabulation (dependent analysis):
/* each group taken no of times each drug doses */
proc freq data = medi; table group * drug / nopercent No row No col; run;
/* Total no of sub received ech drug dos in each */ group
proc freq data = medi; table group * drug / nopercent No row No col; (with missing & non-missing) weight sub; run; Proc means data = medi sum; class group drug; var sub; (without non-missing values) run;
/* Each group visited no of times in each week */
proc freq data = medi; table group * week / nopercent No row No col; run;
/* Total no of sub taken drug dose in each fgroup in each week */
proc freq data = medi; table group * week / nopercent No row No col; weight sub; run;
/* No of groups received each drug dose in each week */
proc freq data = medi; table drug * week / nopercent No row No col; run;
/* Total no of sub received each drug in each week */
proc freq data = medi; table drug * week / nopercent No row No col; weight sub; run; - Total no of sub received drug dose in each week --> column { - Total no of sub received each drug dose --> row same output - Total no of groups received each drug dose in each week --> cell }
/* No of times received each drug dose each group in each week */
proc sort data = medi; by group; run; proc freq data = medi; table week * drug / nopercent Norow no col; by group run;
/* No of sub received each drug dose each group in each week */
proc sort data = medi; by group; run; proc freq data = medi; table week * drug / nopercent Norow no col; by group; weight sub; run;
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